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CEO of City Cleaning Konstantin Gurkov commented on the results of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, published by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

Entrepreneurship is a good career for the most Russians, however, favoring the entrepreneurship,  the Russians aren’t in a hurry to start their own business. «We have few entrepreneurs, because traditionally «businessman» in modern Russia — it’s the abusive notion: «That’s not a respectful profession! Hence the approach Читать далее Results of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, published by Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Industry magazine «Cleaning» summed up the year

Main  Russian cleaning industry magazine «Cleaning» — summed up the results of 2013year. Editorial invited CEOs of leading cleaning companies. From City Cleaning was invited our CEO — Konstantin Gurkov:

«Before summing the results of 2013 year, I’ve read the results of 2012. Colleagues were talking about the same, with different words. Call it stagnation or fatigue, but today the results of 2013 are very similar to the previous year. I still see stubborn customers who do not associate the cost of cleaning with its quality. Short-sighted competitors who sign contracts at any cost and at any price. Growing market, which is updated with new inexperienced players… It’s all true, but also good enough.

For example, in 2013 we launched the large-scale outsourcing in public institutions. Moscow Department of Education has launched a global pilot project, starting cooperation with professional cleaning. Many companies, including City Cleaning took part in it. The work was difficult, unusual, low-budget, but interesting! You may ask us why. The fact is that since 2014 comes into force a new, federal law №44 that greatly complicates our relationship. Why it was «interesting» — we are interested in any new markets, any customers.

Speaking about customers. I did meet with decision makers, key customers. And were pleased to note that business owners, senior managers and junior management staff are not the same that were 5 years ago. If before the conversation begins by explaining why they need it, right now we are talking about optimization features and competitive advantages. And it is not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg — regions also actively «catching up.» Now the client can not only choose the cleaners, but also can understand what he pays for…

Finally, about us, about the guys from the cleaning industry. There are not so much companies in the industry, only 1,500. Market share, which we have now, is still extremely small. But increasing every year. We’re also growing up — numerically and professionally. Each year, summing up, I dream about only one thing that every CEO of every cleaning company in the new year at corporate meeting will say these words: «Dear Colleagues, I’ve been thinking, weighing the pros and cons and make a decision — we work in a civilized manner, do not lose the contract price below costs, do not save on quality, we will not disappoint!» Said, burned piece of paper with wishes, drank a glass of sparkling wine… Happy New 2014 Year!»


Read CLEANING №5 (31) page 10 (8). (download PDF — 8 Mb)

City Cleaning — as part of the Union of Russian Cleaning Companies

Beginning of the year was marked by the entry of City Cleaning into  Union of Russian Cleaning Companies  (URCC) that brings together the major players in the market of services. The organizers of the URCC believe their mission is «to unite the efforts of the cleaning market for its further development…» We fully support such initiatives, so now we are an active participant in this public organization.


New Year gifts — in the studio!

шампанское для партнеров

More than 200 customers of a cleaning company  CITY Cleaning received congratulations with the new 2014 year! This sweet souvenir granted by trademark CHINZANO, excellent decoration for festive table and a tiny reminder of our beneficial cooperation in 2013. Sweet you business, dear partners!

Elections in the new Moscow. Green light for clean deals!

Listovka А5 Gurkov

CEO of City Cleaning — Konstantin Gurkov — accepted the proposal of the People Party Green Alliance  to participate in elections in New Moscow, which will be held on September 8, 2013 in the city of Scherbinka. By the way, just a 15-minute drive from the center of the city, at the Warsaw highway, 95, located our office «South». Today — Konstantin — is a registered candidate for the Board of Deputies of the region.

Team and partners strongly support Konstantin and wish him success in this difficult matter! Campaign slogan — «Green light for clean deals!» — and now it’s our motto!

Opening of new office «South» in Moscow!

We are pleased to announce that since February 2012 opened an additional office «South» at the 1st Dorozhniy proezd, 7. It will simplify logistics and become «closer» to the objects in the south of the capital.