Contract for cleaning services — strong guarantees!

The contract for cleaning services can be concluded not only with companies, but also with individuals. Let’s focus on individuals. City Cleaning provides both one-time cleaning and periodic maintenance cleaning. In the case of long-term contract, the customer receives an additional discount. For example, the cost of full-scale cleaning of the cottage is 10 000 rubles. At the conclusion of a long-term contract for maintenance cleaning, cleaning is sure to be full-scale and will cost only 20% more than one day of periodic cleaning. Payments can only be made by wire transfer through a bank or via plastic card. Prices for cleaning services of our company are presented in a special section of the site and the exact calculation can be provided by the manager, free of charge, after inspection of the property.

Now let’s focus on contracts with companies. Note that City Cleaning has the ability to conclude contracts with VAT and without VAT (simplified and complete system of taxation). The deal made only after examination by our specialist the areas to be cleaned. This is necessary because each room has its own characteristics, which can both increase and decrease the cost of the contract.
The contract can be signed by both in the customer form, or in the our form. It takes into account all the wishes of the customer, payment terms, responsibilities of the parties and full description of works.
If the contract is concluded with the state or unitary enterprises, our managers use so-called «e-shop» or «Suppliers Portal». Technology of contract conclusion, digital signature, and other nuances is included in the standard package of free consultation for all our customers.
Also, the contract with government customers is concluded through auctions on various electronic platforms. Our company is accredited for 10 sites, such as Sberbank, Roseltorg, Fabrikant and others. We have a huge experience in the procedures of government and commercial procurement.
To have a free consultantation, please call us by 8 (495) 212-19-38, ext 30, or send an email to 6102@citicl.ru

The contract for cleaning services is a document of the paid services and has a relatively simple legal structure. In accordance with the customer requests City Cleaning is to conduct the cleaning of area or any room for a fee. Frequency of cleaning is also negotiated, it could be one-time or periodic (daily, weekly, monthly etc.).

By contacting us, you will always be able to choose the type of service that you need:  windows, floors, furniture washing, surfaces polishing,  or after repair cleaning, and so on. As a rule, a list of all the selected services prescribed in the annex to the contract because it has a typical character.

Because the contract for cleaning has a compensated nature, in accordance with the dispositions of the Civil Code it should contain the size of the order and payment, as well as the duties and responsibilities of the parties.

As a performer of contractual relations, City Cleaning guarantees that all the conditions of the deal will be keeped strictly in accordance with the legal regulations of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the formalized relationship, our company requires the customer:

  • Clearly articulate their demands.
  • Provide employees with easy access to the room or area that should be cleaned.
  • Make timely payment for provided services .